Amy Wagner
Associate Professor Physical Therapy Office Location: Saidoff Center, Room 2104 Phone: (210) 283-6912 Email: aewagner@uiwtx.edu- Bachelor of Science from UC Santa Barbara in Mathematical Sciences
- Master of Physical Therapy from Azusa Pacific University
- Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Azusa Pacific University
School of Rehabilitation Sciences
Profession and Community
DPT 6311 PT Reasoning III
DPT 6521 PT Reasoning IV
Professional Critical Self-Reflection Series
Evidence-Based Practice in Professional Topics I, II, III, IV and V
Peer reviewed Publications:
2021 Wagner, A, Jackson, C. (2021). Developing grit and resilience: Using concurrent learning experiences to deepen attributes of professional identity formation. New Directions in Teaching and Learning. 2021 (168), 79-88
2016 Josephs, S., Pratt, M. L., Meadows, E. C., Thurmond, S., & Wagner, A. (2016). The effectiveness of Pilates on balance and falls in community dwelling older adults. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 20(4), 815-823.
2018 Wagner, A., & Luna, S. (2018). Effect of footwear on joint pain and function in older adults with lower extremity osteoarthritis. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 41(2), 85-101.
Peer Reviewed Scientific and Professional Presentations:
Wagner, AE, Zoch, L, Dorinsville, A, Rodriguez, L (November 2021). The Use of Comics to Improve Health Literacy-a Systematic Review. Comics Arts Conference. San Diego, CA
Wagner, A, Smith, S, Crocker, A (October 2021). COVID-19, Mental Health, and Comics. Northeast Popular Culture Association. Virtual
Wagner, AE (August 2021). Teaching health with comics for physical therapy students and the public. Graphic Medicine UnConvention. Virtual
Wagner, AE, Crocker A, Smith, S (July 2020). Comics and the Impact of the Opioid Crisis. Graphic Medicine, 2020. Toronto, CA (presentation accepted, conference canceled due to COVID-19).
Wagner, AE, Crocker A, Smith, S (July 2020). Graphic Physical Therapy: Teaching with Comics and Graphic Novels. Graphic Medicine, 2020. Toronto, CA (presentation accepted, conference canceled due to COVID-19).
Wagner, A, Thompson, M. (October 2019). Upper Extremity Pain in Breastfeeding Mothers: A Narrative Review of the Literature. American Society of Hand Therapists; Washington, DC.
Wagner, A. (July 2019). Comics and Older Adults: The Graphic Art of Aging. Comics Arts Conference. San Diego, CA.
Wagner AE, Smith S (May 2018). Acute Care Skills: an Integrative, Problem-Based Learning Approach. Bridging the Acute Care Gap: Advancing Acute Care Physical Therapy Education and Educators-A Focus on Best Practice in Acute Care Education. Indianapolis, IN
Wagner AE, Smith S (Sept 2018). Use of a Graphic Novel to Facilitate Narrative Reasoning in Entry-Level DPT Students. Texas Society of Allied Health Professions: “Preparing the 21st Century Workforce.” San Antonio, TX
Wagner AE, Crocker A, Smith S. (2017, June). The Experience of Disability: A Patient's Perspective Through Historical Comics. Comics and Medicine: Access Points, Seattle, Washington.
Brown N, Walk M, Wagner AE. (2017, February). Orthopedic Manual Therapy to Decrease Pain and Improve Sleep in a Geriatric Patient One Day Status Post Hip ORIF: A Case Report. 2017 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Antonio, Texas.
Wagner A, Smith S; “Pregnancy and Parenting in Women with Chronic Physical Disability.” Educational Session at APTA CSM Meeting, Feb. 2016, Anaheim, CA.
Wagner A; Breastfeeding Position Related Musculoskeletal Pain: A Pilot Study; UIW Research Week, San Antonio, TX; Feb. 24, 2016
Wagner A; EMG Activity of Abdominal Muscles in the Pilates “Hundred” Exercise; UIW Research Week, San Antonio, TX; Feb. 24, 2016
Luna S, Wagner A; The Effect of Footwear on Joint Pain in Older Adults with Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review.” UIW Research Week, San Antonio, TX; Feb 26, 2015
Denton J, A. Wagner, C. Jackson. “Predictors of Academic Success and Attrition in an Entry-Level DPT Program.” Poster. APTA CSM Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, Feb. 2015
Wagner A, Smith S, Bains M, Crocker A, Kish J. “Optimizing Bone Health Across the Lifespan.” Educational Session at APTA CSM Meeting, February 2015. Indianapolis, IN.
2014 Luna S, Wagner A, “Factors Contributing to Student Level of Engagement in Statistics Content in a Problem- Based Learning DPT”. Poster at TPTA Annual Conference, Oct. 2014, Galveston, TX.
Garza M, McCaleb J, Martinez S, Wagner A. The Effects of Aerobic and Strengthening Exercises on Cognitive Function and Functional Mobility in Community Dwelling Older Adults. 4th Annual Geriatric Conference, Building Partnerships for Geriatric Care: Helping Elders Age in Place, 2014, San Antonio, TX.
Wagner A, Walk ME, Goulet C. Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) Model for Facilitation of Clinical Reasoning in an Entry Level PT Program using Problem Based Learning. NEXT Conference; Exposition of the America Physical Therapy Association, June 2014, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Wagner A, Klappa S, Hughes L. Cooperative Tutorial Group Learning Influences On Individual Student Academic Success in a Problem-Based Learning Environment. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, 2014, Las Vegas, NV.
Wagner A. Recognizing and managing female athlete triad in an adolescent cheerleader with Stress fractures: a case report. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, 2014, Las Vegas, NV.
Wagner A, Hughes L, Associations between the tutorial group process and academic Success in a Problem-Based Learning Program. Seventh Annual UIW Research Week, February 2014. Platform Presentation, San Antonio, TX.
Wagner A, Ellis N, Rodriguez C, The Importance of Rough and Tumble Play in Emotional and Vestibular Development. (Platform presentation) Life long Health, Fitness and Learning through Play Conference. 2013, San Antonio, TX.