Mona Bains
Associate Professor Physical Therapy Office Location: Room 1132 Phone: (210) 283-6928 Email: bbains@uiwtx.eduMona Bains came to the University of the Incarnate Word from St. Paul, Minnesota where she taught graduate level pharmacotherapy and research at St. Catherine University.
Mona is a native of San Antonio and received her undergraduate degree from St. Mary's University and doctorate in Pharmacology from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in 2007. She then relocated to Denver, CO where she carried out a National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke-funded postdoctoral fellowship at The University of Colorado School of Medicine. She continued her interests in the field of neurodegeneration at the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center at The University of Kentucky investigating the pharmacological profiles of putative neuroprotective compounds in models of traumatic brain injury.
Her work has been published in top journals, including The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Experimental Neurology, and The Journal of Neuroscience. Her diverse research background and interests encompass the areas of neuroscience, pharmacology, molecular and cellular biology and oxidative stress. Although she remains invested in research, her greatest experiences and accomplishments have come from mentoring and training students continuing their education in medical sciences.
- Undergraduate degree from St. Mary's University
- Doctorate in Pharmacology from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in 2007.
Foundational Sciences III and IV
Professional Critical Self-Reflection Series
Capstone Course Series
School of Rehabilitation Sciences
Profession and Community
Bains, M., Kaliski, D.Z., Goei, K.A., (2022). Effect of self-regulated learning and technology enhanced activities on anatomy learning, engagement and course outcomes in a problem based learning program. Advances in Physiology Education, 46(2), 219-227.
Bains, M and Kaliski D. (2020). An anatomy workshop for improving anatomy self-efficacy and competency when transitioning into a problem-based learning, Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Advances in Physiology Education, 44 (1), 39-49.
Stares, A., Bains, M. (2018). The Additive Effects of Creatine Supplementation and Exercise Training in an Aging Population: A Systematic Review of Randomized Control Trials. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 43(2), 99-112.
Bains, M., & Roberts, J.L. (2016). Estrogen protects against dopamine neuron toxicity in primary mesencephalic cultures through an indirect P13K/Akt mediated astrocyte pathway. Neuroscience Letters, 610, 79-85.
Bains, M., Cebak, J.E., Gilmer, L.K., Barnes, C.C., Thompson, S.N., Geddes, J.W., & Hall, E.D. (2013). Pharmacological analysis of the cortical neuronal cytoskeletal protective efficacy of the calpain inhibitor SNJ-1945 in a mouse traumatic brain injury model. Journal of Neurochemistry, 125 (1), 125-132.
Bains, M. & Hall, E. D. (2012). Antioxidant therapies in traumatic brain and spinal cord injury. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) Molecular Basis of Disease, 1822, 675-684.
Bains, M., Zaegal, V., Mize-Berge, J., & Heidenreich, K. (2011). IGF-I stimulates Rab7-RILP interaction during neuronal autophagy. Neuroscience Letters (488), 112-117.
Imam, S., Zhou, Q., Yamamoto, A., Valente, A., Ali, S., Bains M, Roberts JL, Kahle PJ, Clark RA, Li S (2011). Novel Regulation of Parkin Function through c-Abl-Mediated Tyrosine Phosphorylation: Implications for Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Neuroscience (31), 157-163.
Thompson, S., Carrico, K., Mustafa, A., Bains, M., & Hal, E. (2010). A pharmacological analysis of the neuroprotective efficacy of the brain cell permeable calpain inhibitor MDL-28170 in the mouse controlled cortical impact traumatic brain injury model. Journal of Neurotrauma (27), 2233-2243.
Book Chapters
Bains, M. , & Heidenreich, K. A. Live-cell imaging of autophagy induction and autophagosome-lysosome fusion in primary cultured neurons. In: Klionsky, D.J., ed. Methods in Enzymology. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press; 2009: 145-158.
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Bains, Mona B., Kaliski, Debora Z., Goei, K. (2021). Online Learning and Engagement in the Foundational Sciences During the COVID-19 Era: Perceptions and Experiences of Graduate Students. 2021 Virtual Experimental Biology Meeting.
Chapman, J., Gandin, B., Bains, M., Kaliski, D., Ortiz A. (2021). Hands-on Anatomy Learning during COVID-19 Era and the Effectiveness of Anatomy in Clay. 2021 Virtual Combined Sections Meeting.
Nguyen, L., Ochoa, C., Passdar-Shirazi, A., Truong, C., Bains, M., Kaliski, D.Z. (2020). An Anatomy Workshop for Improving Anatomy Self-Efficacy and Competency when Transitioning into a Problem-Based Learning, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program. Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA.
Kaliski, D.Z., Bains, M. (2019). An Introductory Anatomy Workshop; Strategy for Improving Anatomy in Problem Based Learning. Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning Lilly Conference, Austin, TX
Wagner, A., Smith, S.N., Kish, J., Crocker, A., Bains, M. (2015). Bone Health is a Lifespan Issue: Optimizing Bone Building for All Ages. 2015 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Yarberry, B., Nguyen, A., Bains, M., & Roberts, J. L. (2015). Age effects on astrocyte-mediated neuroprotection against a Parkinson's Disease model. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, Illinois.