Professional Practice Education

American Physical Therapy Association

All UIW School of Rehabilitation Sciences students are members of the American Physical Therapy Association, and are encouraged to participate in local, state and national professional meetings.

Professional Practice Education

Students will participate in a total of 44 weeks of professional practice education experiences. A variety of opportunities will be provided to the students in Texas as well as throughout the United States.

The Director of Professional Practice Education will work closely with the students in the selection process for the professional practice education experiences. Students’ preferences and needs are given consideration.

  • The 1st Professional Practice Education experience is a 6-week full-time experience that is scheduled at the end of the 3rd semester.
  • The 2nd Professional Practice Education experience is an 8-week experience that occurs at the beginning of the 6th semester.
  • The 3rd Professional Practice Education experience is a 16-week experience that occurs at the completion of all didactic courses during the 7th semester and provides an area of clinical experience need and/or special interest.
  • The 4th Professional Practice Education experience – Emerging Roles in Professional Practice - is a 14-week experience in a setting that may not have an established program or a staff physical therapist hired to fulfill the role of supervisor. In this case, supervision may be coordinated by an off-site licensed therapist not employed by the setting and the student is assigned to a site staff person as a contact.